Moores Rowland

Moores Rowland a firm of certified Public Accountants in Singapore was established in the early eighties by Moores Rowland, London and is a member of Moores Rowland International, one of the world’s top ten associations of independent accounting firms.

Our firm specialised in owner managed and entrepreneurial businesses with a dedicated team to assist new investors in the establishment of a legal entity and providing a one stop service including assurance, accounting support, cash management, regulatory compliance, assurance, local and international tax, business advisory, etc.

Our range of services includes assurance, tax business and corporate advisory, corporate finance, recovery, business process outsourcing.

Please contact:


Lee Lee King (Partner) at +65 6224 4022 or

133 Cecil Street #15-02
Keck Seng Tower
Singapore 069535
Tel: 65 6224 4022
Fax: 65 6225 3974